Summer 6 week 2 Homework
Have fun with botanical art and photosynthesis!
Beech Class homework
Have fun with botanical art and photosynthesis!
Spellings for Summer Term 6
Explore our 'wonderful world' with an alphabet nature walk challenge. This has been explained to the class and they each have a copy of the worksheet - also attached below. Best wishes.
Nicola Phillips
Set Tuesday 7th May 2024 in KS2 assembly. Please hand in by Wednesday 15th May 2024
Megacities homework
Thank you to all of you who came to the meetings last night. I hope that you found them useful.
I have uploaded the Power Point that we shared that is full of information for anyone who was unable to make it.
Thank you
Please find attached a Parents' information sheet about TTRockstars. There are lots of different sessions that they can do. Hopefully you can use this information to help your child with learning their tables.
Today in class, we tried out a website called Splashlearn.
Below is the information that you need to access if from home! Sometimes I will set tasks for them to complete as homework but there are games and activities for them to enjoy as well!