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Challenge Accepted!

Just before the holiday, Box Primary School went ‘skipping mad’ for the Mosaic inter- academy skipping challenge. All of the children, in all of the schools of our new academy, were challenged to see how many skips they could do in a minute. The children loved the challenge: at break times there were queues to get skipping ropes, as well as many children bringing in their own ropes from home. It was great to see how many children progressed from not being able to skip, to really enjoying skipping. And perhaps the best thing is to see the number of children continuing to skip at break times, even now that the challenge is finished.

And…..the results are in………… drumroll please…….  The winners of the skipping challenge are…… Box Primary School!!!! *Cheering wildly*. We had the highest number of average skips in every year group- showing the importance that everyone’s effort made.

We also had the highest individual number of skips in Reception (46), Year 1 (65), Year 2 (74), Year 4 (83) and Year 5 (83).

Well done to everyone! It was great to take part in a challenge and begin to build bonds with our fellow academy schools. We can’t wait for the next challenge in September (get practising bouncing basketballs!).