Ash Class are Out of This World!
Ash Class have been amazing Miss Beattie during their space topic with their out of this world writing!
Reception children take part in phonics lessons every day. They learn 4 new phonemes/ graphemes (how letters are pronounced/ sounds are written) a week and practise blending (reading) and segmenting (spelling) words with these phonemes. They have already rocketed through learning all single letter sounds and are now learning digraphs (where two letters make one sound e.g. sh). The pace of this learning is incredible and if you have a child in Reception, you should be on cloud 9. Not only are they learning to read and write, they are also able to talk about phonemes and graphemes and segmenting and blending!
Not wanting to be outdone, the Year 1s have Miss Beattie thinking that they must be heaven sent with their imaginative writing about the book Beegu. They have been imagining that they are the alien and have been writing how they are feeling about their crashed spaceship. Words like courageous, jealous, furious and gentle have Miss Beattie flying high; used in sentences with capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and 'because'.
Ash Class, I can't wait to see where you blast off to next!