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School Blog

What's been happening in school?

Page 6

  • Merry Christmas!

    Published 16/12/22, by Lisa Reed
    It's been an incredibly frosty week and the children were very excited to have snow! We've been wrapping up warm to play out in minus temperatures, though a whole school conga was necessary to keep the chill out on Friday! This week,
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  • Little Amal and the Long Walk

    Published 09/12/22, by Lisa Reed
    It will come as a surprise to no-one that this week's blog is all about our nativity. And what a nativity it was! It felt so good to be back in the church again and to be able to welcome so many parents that haven't experienced a true Box Pri
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  • Anglo-Saxon Heaven

    Published 02/12/22, by Lisa Reed
    Chestnut Class have been completely immersed in Anglo-Saxon life (and death) today as they celebrated their term's topic with an Anglo-Saxon day.  The children looked amazing in their costumes: traditional tunics, headdresses, weapons, sh
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  • It's All Greek For Beech Class

    Published 24/11/22, by Lisa Reed
    Beech Class have been further immersed into their topic of Greece this week: making and tasting a Greek delicacy of spanakopita. The children were demonstrating their knife skills: chopping spinach, parsley and spring onions. As well as, me
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  • Ash Class are Out of This World!

    Published 18/11/22, by Lisa Reed
    Ash Class have been amazing Miss Beattie during their space topic with their out of this world writing!  Reception children take part in phonics lessons every day. They learn 4 new phonemes/ graphemes (how letters are pronounced/ so
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  • Sycamore Publishers

    Published 11/11/22, by Lisa Reed
    This week has been an incredibly busy week for Sycamore Class.  On Tuesday, they visited a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering And Maths) fair. They were amazed by a dancing Dalek, coded a robot owl, and found out how astronauts talk
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  • Expeditions to the past

    Published 04/11/22, by Lisa Reed
    We have had an amazing start to the new term - with not one, but two incredible class trips!  Beech Class started us off with their trip to the Bristol Museum. They were historians for the day, exploring and learning based on their topic of A
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  • Creative chefs in Willow Class

    Published 14/10/22, by Lisa Reed
    Willow Class have been extremely busy with their DT project designing, making and evaluating a healthy and delicious baguette. Weeks worth of planning has gone into ensuring that their product met the design brief including: learning about food
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  • We are the champions!

    Published 07/10/22, by Lisa Reed
    Sports competitions are back in full swing and we are incredibly proud of every child who has taken part so far. Our football team had to survive two set of penalties, including one that went to sudden death: the stress of which has aged
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  • A Carnival in Oak Class

    Published 29/09/22, by Lisa Reed
    White on the right and ready to go! If your children have been coming home talking about Rekenreks and you've no idea what they're talking about, then wonder no longer! Rekenreks are a bit like an abacus and are used in our Mastering Number s
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  • Reception children settling in

    Published 23/09/22, by Lisa Reed
    Our Reception children have amazed us all with how well they have settled in to their first full week at school. Thank you to their Y6 buddies as well as the Y1 children in Ash for being such brilliant role models supporting them. As you can see, the
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  • Harvest

    Published 16/09/22, by Lisa Reed
    This week we have been celebrating Harvest! We harvested our very own school-grown tomatoes (unfortunately our peppers needed a couple more weeks, but Clair is very proud of them) and used them to make pizzas: they smelt delicious! On Friday, we
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