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School Blog

What's been happening in school?

Page 5

  • Happy Easter!

    Published 30/03/23, by Lisa Reed
    We were treated to an eggcellent Easter bonnet parade to commence our Easter service at the church today. Children from Oak and Ash Class have created egg-stremely amazing bonnets- with giant carrots, eggs galore and even a springtime farmy
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  • 5, 4, 3, 2,1, Blast Off!

    Published 24/03/23, by Lisa Reed
    Where to start this week?! It has been a whirlwind of activity. Let's blast off into a journey of the week.  Oak, Willow and Sycamore Class enjoyed their annual Walksafe visits. The classes were taught how to stay safe when walking and cy
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  • Climbing High

    Published 17/03/23, by Lisa Reed
    And just like that we're climbing again! To some it feels as though we've been waiting a lifetime, to others it's like it was built in the blink of an eye, but to all it feels amazing that we are climbing on our new play equipme
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  • Speaking of confidence

    Published 10/03/23, by Lisa Reed
    This week has been incredible for so many reasons, but I think the highlight of the week for most people has to be the snow. We had a great time on Wednesday building snowmen and playing together as a school. Some of us did get a bit soggy and had to
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  • World Book Day

    Published 03/03/23, by Lisa Reed
    We have had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day! Thank you to everyone who helped make the day such a wonderful time. Everyone looked fantastic in their costumes, which we shared at the beginning of the day in assembly. It was great fun guessin
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  • RE Week

    Published 24/02/23, by Lisa Reed
    We have started this term with a fantastic RE week, where all classes have been working on the same theme- ‘What do people with different religions and worldviews have to say about how we treat our planet?’. We can all agree that it was d
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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 10/02/23, by Lisa Reed
    Are you sitting comfortably? Have you emptied your mind of any obtrusive thoughts? Have you tuned out the world around you, allowing you to just relax and immerse yourself in the world of the Box Primary School Blog? Good- then you’re ready to
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  • Democracy Rules

    Published 03/02/23, by Lisa Reed
    Sycamore Class are officially informed citizens - it says so on their badges. Badges that they were given on their trip to The Palace of Westminster. It was a long (5 hours on a coach!) but rewarding day: full of new experiences for all.&nb
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  • Something for the mummies

    Published 27/01/23, by Lisa Reed
    Willow Class are thoroughly enjoying their topic of Ancient Egypt and there's no de-Nile about it. Not only are they learning to read and decode English, they're also amazing us with their ability to read and decipher hieroglyphics! Who knew
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  • Oh no it's a Gruffalo!

    Published 20/01/23, by Lisa Reed
    A teacher took a stroll through the Ash Class wood. The teacher saw their work, and their work looked good! If you haven't guessed already, the new topic for Ash Class is The Gruffalo! The classroom has been transformed into a magical woo
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  • Sycamore Class Planetary Adventure!

    Published 13/01/23, by Lisa Reed
    Not to be outdone by their buddies, Sycamore Class have begun their topic of space this term. Though learning in Sycamore Class is a bit different to learning in Ash Class! Sycamore Class have been learning about the relative sizes of the planet
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  • Life Savers

    Published 06/01/23, by Lisa Reed
    Happy New Year! And welcome back to a new term at Box Primary School. Our term started with a visit from the Air Ambulance: Richard and Andrew were fantastic and taught every child, from Reception to Y6, how to save a life. The sessions progress
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