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School Blog

What's been happening in school?

Page 4

  • Plant, Nurture, Flourish, Serve

    Published 21/07/23, by Lisa Reed
    Our school vision is plant, nurture, flourish, serve and we are seeing that in abundance at the end of this school year. Literally, with the Box Flower and Vegetable Show entries: children have been busy planting seeds and nurturing their living g
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  • The WONDERFUL Wizard of Oz

    Published 14/07/23, by Lisa Reed
    The audience was left spellbound by our incredible KS2 production of The Wizard of Oz. The performances of the children were absolutely outstanding; it was hard to believe at times that we were watching 7-11 year olds. Dorothy was on stage for pre
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  • Enterprising Spirit

    Published 07/07/23, by Lisa Reed
    Our Year 6s showed their enterprising minds this week. They didn’t let a bit of rain put them off and, in true British spirit, our Young Apprentice fair went ahead as scheduled. Pieces of paper went a bit soggy, but apart from that you wouldn&r
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  • Friendship super powers!

    Published 30/06/23, by Lisa Reed
    We had a super treat this week with Oak Class’ assembly all about how to make a super, duper, truper friend! We were treated to special guest appearances by none other than Buzz and Woody as the children brilliantly acted out the recipe for a p
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  • Sports Day!

    Published 23/06/23, by Lisa Reed
    Today was Sports Day! And what a Sports Day it was! The children all did incredibly well in their races - from running as fast as they can in the flat race, to balancing an egg on a spoon, to the famous Tunnel Ball.  The children ba
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  • You got a friend in me

    Published 16/06/23, by Lisa Reed
    This term our value is friendship and Willow Class have led a wonderful assembly at St Thomas A Beckett Church all about why friends are important. They taught us about Jesus’ 12 special friends (now I can name them all thanks to Willow Class)
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  • Brilliant Braeside

    Published 09/06/23, by Lisa Reed
    After seeing what an amazing time our Year 6s had on their residential, our Year 4s were champing at the bit for their residential this week. Spending 3 days and 2 nights away at Braeside. Spending time away from home can be a big step but it's a
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  • Year 6 Residential

    Published 26/05/23, by Lisa Reed
    What a week it has been for our Year 6s! A whole week away from home for their Year 6 residential. We couldn't have asked for better weather for a whole week exploring the Monmouthshire countryside and helping out with farming on Jamie's Farm
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  • Natural Creativity

    Published 19/05/23, by Lisa Reed
    This term our school value has been creativity and the whole school have been exploring the creativity in all of our subjects. In collective worship, we have been answering big questions like 'What can we create that is special to others?' an
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  • Spring into sport

    Published 12/05/23, by Lisa Reed
    The spring sunshine has been warmly welcomed this week. One of the highlights of the return of the better weather is the reoccurrence of PE lessons outside on The Rec. Athletics, cricket, rounders and lacrosse are firm favourites at this ti
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  • Rain free reign

    Published 05/05/23, by Lisa Reed
    We welcomed in the reign of King Charles III in style this week. And were very pleased that celebrations were not rained off! Children looked amazing in their party clothes and home-made crowns, and boy, were we dressed up for a celebration. 
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  • Ash Class in Shining Armour

    Published 28/04/23, by Lisa Reed
    The school is abuzz with excitement for a new term and new topics! None more-so than Ash Class, who are starting their new topic on knights and castles. And, what perfect timing to learn about, and I quote, 'the most bravest knight that ever live
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