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School Blog

What's been happening in school?

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  • A Warming Glow

    Published 08/12/23, by Lisa Reed
    Along with the glow of a warming fireplace and a glow from festive fairy lights, another little glow has been lighting up the lives of children in Ash Class. They have been reading the story of Little Glow by Katie Sahota and Harry Woodgate. In this
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  • Making History

    Published 01/12/23, by Lisa Reed
    Our KS2 classes have been engrossed in history during the last two terms, with their main topic being based on the history unit. Willow Class have been learning about the Victorians; Beech Class, Stone Age to Iron Age; Chestnut Class, the Romans and
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  • Walksafe

    Published 23/11/23, by Lisa Reed
    Road safety has been a hot topic in school recently, with Sycamore, Willow and Oak classes learning how to behave safely around roads with Walksafe. If you were driving through the village on Thursday, you would have seen Willow Class, dressed up
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  • Interfaith Week

    Published 17/11/23, by Lisa Reed
    This week, all classes have greatly enjoyed our whole school interfaith week focussing on the question ‘What do different religions and worldviews say about peace?’. It has been a fantastic week where RE has been taught through a range of
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  • Peace perfect peace

    Published 10/11/23, by Lisa Reed
    Peace has been on everybody’s minds in this week leading up to Remembrance Sunday. Especially for those in Sycamore Class, who on Friday, led a beautiful and emotive remembrance assembly. They spoke clearly with facts about why we celebrate rem
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  • Democracy not debatable!

    Published 03/11/23, by Lisa Reed
    This week Sycamore Class have been celebrating Parliament Week. They have been learning about the three parts of parliament (House of Commons, House of Lords and the monarch), how a government is elected and how every single person in the country (ev
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  • A Term to Celebrate!

    Published 13/10/23, by Lisa Reed
    All of this term we’ve been celebrating different things: music, sports, maths, RE, Harvest and our brilliant new Reception children. As this first term comes to a close, our classes are now celebrating their learning of their topics. Beech
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  • Mathletes multiply!

    Published 05/10/23, by Lisa Reed
    We are usually celebrating sporting and musical success at events but this week we are celebrating maths! Congratulations to our  mathletes who went to the Primary Maths Challenge this week! It was an intense but engaging morning where they had
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  • Awarding success!

    Published 29/09/23, by Lisa Reed
    Friday assembly is usually a cause for celebration at Box Primary School: celebrating successes in classes, through headteacher awards and merits, and celebrating successes outside of school, with medals, trophies and awards earned in clubs and socie
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  • Facing the music

    Published 22/09/23, by Lisa Reed
    Everyone is truly settling back into the new school year now: with Reception in full time, lunchtime and after school sports clubs in full swing and dulcet musical tones drifting through the school corridors. Choir is back, and stronger than ever,
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  • Harvesting our Vision

    Published 15/09/23, by Lisa Reed
    This week has been all about harvest: thinking about the farmers and how they are responsible for harvesting crops, harvesting our own crops in the school garden and celebrating Harvest Festival in the church. Thank you so much for your donations
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  • Welcome back

    Published 08/09/23, by Lisa Reed
    Welcome back to everyone in the Box Primary School family! It’s great to see so many smiling and happy faces around school. And a special welcome to our youngest and newest members in Ash Class. Our new Reception children have settled amazingly
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