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School Blog

What's been happening in school?

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  • Happy Easter!

    Published 28/03/24, by Lisa Reed
    Happy Easter to everyone from Box Primary School! We haven’t let the wet and windy weather ruin our Easter celebrations. Easter bingo was a cracking event! Our Easter service was highlighted with an egg-stra special bonnet parade! And our whole
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  • Ride on Time

    Published 21/03/24, by Lisa Reed
    You may have noticed some extra bikes around school this week. That’s because our Year 6s have been taking part in the Bikeability cycling training programme. Bikeability is a two-day training course which teaches the children how to look after
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  • Forgive and un-forget-able!

    Published 15/03/24, by Lisa Reed
    This term, our value is forgiveness. And we have nothing to forgive Willow Class for, as they did an absolutely incredible job with their assembly this week. Everyone spoke clearly and confidently and the audience could hear every single word. It had
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  • Read All About It

    Published 07/03/24, by Lisa Reed
    This week has been a real celebration of reading and the spoken word. On Thursday, we, along we thousands of others, celebrated World Book Day! It was a joyous day where stories were shared, created and discussed. Our favourite book characters wer
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  • Spring-ing into life

    Published 29/02/24, by Lisa Reed
    Spring is truly starting to…. well…. spring…. into life at Box Primary School. The Willow Garden is home to an array of spring flowers: snowdrops, primroses, crocuses and daffodils. The cherry tree is starting to blossom. And the
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  • Whale of a Time

    Published 21/02/24, by Lisa Reed
    Sycamore Class have been having a whale of a time this week with a visitor from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation charity. The children (and teachers) were spellbound for over an hour as we were given a whole range of fascinating facts about cetacea
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  • An Exciting End to the Term!

    Published 09/02/24, by Lisa Reed
    We were all incredibly excited when the village shop returned to Box earlier this month (and who wouldn’t be with those milkshakes?). But our excitement increased considerably when we heard about the ‘design a mascot’ competition- a
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  • Inspiring Courage

    Published 02/02/24, by Lisa Reed
    Oak Class taught us all how to find the ‘Lion Inside’ in their incredible assembly this morning. Our value this term is courage and, wow, Oak Class showed their unbelievable courage, performing and sharing- so confidently- in front of so
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  • Ground breaking Geography

    Published 26/01/24, by Lisa Reed
    Have you heard the rumblings?! It’s true! Beech Class have been doing some fantastic learning this term on earthquakes! When presented with the question- Why does New Zealand have so many earthquakes? They had a seismic amount of knowledge! The
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  • How To Save A Life

    Published 18/01/24, by Lisa Reed
    This week, we welcomed Wiltshire Air Ambulance back to Box Primary School. Every child, from Reception to Year 6, received instruction on how to save a life. It was amazing how much the children remembered from their visit last year- with each class
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  • Music to our ears

    Published 12/01/24, by Lisa Reed
    This term, all of our children in Year 5 will be learning how to play a brass instrument. Each week, a tutor from West Wilts Young Musicians will come in and teach the children how to play a trumpet. Not wanting to toot their own horn, but all the ch
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  • What a Glorious Night

    Published 15/12/23, by Lisa Reed
    The encore said it all: What a Glorious Night! (And afternoon as well, actually.) The children performed our nativity this year spectacularly. Papa Duval taught us all about the true meaning of Christmas in a heart-warming tale about helping others i
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