Music Lessons
Violin Yrs 1-6
Recorder Yr 4
Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone Yrs 4-6
Guitar Yrs 3-6
Brass Yrs 4-6
Keyboard Yrs 3-6
Contact: School Office
Cost: £9.75 per lesson
We currently offer weekly guitar, keyboard, recorder, flute, saxophone, clarinet, violin and cello lessons.
Miss Guy is happy to teach the violin to children from Yr 1 upwards.
Each year we teach all children in Yr 4 to play the recorder and learn to read music as part of their music lessons. Many of our children go on to play other instruments.
Woodwind – Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone
Mrs Holden teaches the flute, clarinet or saxophone to children in Yr 4 and above. At this age they are big enough for their fingers to reach all of the notes, and make faster progress if they have learnt to play the recorder.
Mr Dunn teaches electric and acoustic guitar to children from Yr 3 upwards.
Mr Turner teaches a variety of brass instruments to children in Yr 4 and above.
Children from Yr 3 are able to have keyboard lessons, including piano skills, with Mr Turner.
Weekly music lesson costs are invoiced directly to parents by the music tutors, usually termly in advance. Please pop in and see Jo French if your child receives free school meals or payment for lessons is difficult.
The Wiltshire Music Connect has a supply of instruments which they are able to loan out, mainly violins, cellos and guitars. Woodwind instruments and keyboards are scarcer and may need to be provided by parents. Instruments of good quality can be purchased through various ‘assisted purchase schemes’ except keyboards. All of our instrumental teachers are happy to recommend makes/models and advise on prices.
We make every effort to keep instruments safe but cannot accept responsibility for them. We do not have insurance which covers privately owned or hired instruments so please make sure your child’s instrument is covered by your home insurance. It is important that if your child is considering playing an instrument that they understand the commitment they will need to make to practise regularly, look after their instrument and attend weekly lessons.