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Week 5 Homework Due Wednesday 12th February

Year 6 : Revision book homework, maths and English. 

Remember to mark your own answers and record how you got on, on the feedback sheet in your homework book. 

Maths: Written addition and subtraction p10-12

English : Determiners p28; Punctuating Sentences p42


Year 5: Complete the maths division tasks (see sheet attached)


Reading: Please read daily (at least five times for 15+ minutes). Try to read aloud to an adult once a week and show off your wonderful prosody! 

Remember you can access lots of free online books through the Wiltshire Learning Resource Hub  using your online account:

X-tables: Please log on to TTRock Stars and work on improving your heatmap (15-30 mins a week) 

Spellings: Log on to Spelling Shed and practise your weekly spellings (20 mins) 


Please ask if you need any login reminders.