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Inside we are all mighty!

Another week to remember this week with a purrrfect nativity! This year Kate Courage adapted a book titled ‘The Lion, The Unicorn and Me’ into an all singing, all dancing nativity bonanza with a beautiful message of perseverance, determination and dedication. The donkey may not be as strong as a lion, as beautiful as a unicorn but inside she is mighty and she doesn’t give up; the beast of burden, the perfect animal to carry the baby who grew up to carry all of our burdens. And the donkey was perfectly cast as well: with a fantastic performance and beautiful voice. In fact all of the KS1 children performed brilliantly- some only having literally 10 minutes to fill in for roles. The angels  were busy and organised- though found time for tea and angel cake; the animals had excellent comic timing (who guessed where tiger was going with his operatic performance?); the little lambs were incredibly pesky, though well managed by their shepherds; the kings were grand and full of majesty; the stars danced beautifully and even rapped; and the nativity story was played out wonderfully by kind innkeepers, concerned Joseph and a Mary very keen to find a place to stay. It was a nativity full of laughs and love.

The starring roles go to the KS1 children but we couldn’t do it without the KS2 children, who sang and danced with energy and enthusiasm.

We say it every year, but I think it was the best one yet- some performance to top next year!