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New Beginnings

It is so wonderful to see all of the children (along with a few new faces) back in school this week: making new starts in either a new classroom, with a new teacher or with a new group of classmates. A new thing for everyone this year is a change in our timetables that sees assemblies at 9am, before heading off in year groups to be taught maths. Yes, that’s right, year groups for maths lessons! There are lots of smiling faces embracing this new change.

The newest faces to our school have made an incredible start in Reception and perhaps the biggest smiling face belongs to their teacher, Mrs Stuart. Our new Reception children have been busy exploring their environment, learning each other’s names and sharing their all about me boxes. On Friday, they met their new Year 6 buddy. Their buddy will be a great friend who can teach them a host of new games to play outside, help them to understand the school rules and treat them every now and again with a story- to name just a few responsibilities! The Year 6s, as you can imagine, were incredibly excited and have talked of little else since their first day.

Though we are missing those that have left us, we are ready for our new beginnings and wish everyone all the best for their new adventures, wherever they may be.