Welcome back

Welcome back to everyone in the Box Primary School family! It’s great to see so many smiling and happy faces around school. And a special welcome to our youngest and newest members in Ash Class. Our new Reception children have settled amazingly into school life (with a little help from their supportive Year 6 buddies) and are having fun exploring, and building new friendships. Their highlights of their first week include sitting on the carpet, singing, building houses and ‘making’ food in the home corner. Though be careful if one of the Reception children offers you a sandwich, as they are full of weird and wonderful flavours- chocolate and peanut, strawberry and honey, strawberry and tomato sauce and of course beware of the cheeky child who will only tell you after you have started eating, that your sandwich is actually super spicy! Miss Beattie has been amazed with how kind and helpful everyone has been and is looking forward to a fantastic year. Well done Reception children!